Klik NurulMiza: My Piccas


this is ORIGINALLY nurul miza's blog which she shares her life journey TOGETHER. please DON'T make anything that will DAMAGE this blog content. NOBODY can be the c0-owner of this blog because it is just a PERSONAL BELONGING BLOG. thank you

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My Piccas

bdk ni ponn cute gark .. nme yer NURUL MIZA ADIRA ... hehehe... pesal ak brangan kuat sgt2 ni?? tp canteq kan?? klu x, xkan aidid t'pikat kat ak..

sorang budak kute dok dlm dorm kat aschrama .. die mmg kiu, dr kakak2 nyer.. heheh ... ak canteq ann??
badge skul ak,,, ak cayam slamanyer... hehe :DD mmg ak berjasa... berjasa dlm geng budak nakal di skolah... hehe :)) xderk ah,, grau je.. mane der ak nkl......